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The Ecology Learning Center is a publicly funded charter high school in Unity, Maine. Our mission is to deeply root students in Maine's ecological & cultural landscapes, foster authentic real-world learning through mentorship & craft, and cultivate compassionate and resilient leaders prepared to engage in the challenges of today & tomorrow. We welcome and celebrate students of all skills and backgrounds.

"Not every student is a good match for traditional public school education. This charter school will provide a vital alternative educational path for such students.  In my class students learned architectural drafting, built scale models of the unique homes they each designed, and then as a team built an actual full-sized building that the school needed. While the skills acquired are indeed useful, the deeper value lies in the growing self-confidence I saw in these students: they came to believe in themselves as competent, creative, productive. This kind of hands-on experiential learning is inspiring!


The Ecology Learning Center will provide this powerful and effective alternative educational experience, regardless of financial background, to a population that currently has no such opportunity."

Paul Cartwright, inventor & educator


compassionate & resilient


Our School at a Glance


FREE tuition for any Maine resident.



School Lunch

Grown and prepared by students with local & organic ingredients.

College Preparatory

Focused reading, writing & math instruction.

Outdoor adventure

& leadership training.

Service learning

& apprenticeships

Project-based environmental studies

Folk music

& homesteading crafts

Our Response to COVID-19

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